Access Management


To manage user roles, navigate to the ROQ console and select Users & AccessRoles. This section allows you to create, modify, and adjust project permissions associated with roles.

role list

Roles are explicitly linked to users and are represented by distinctive names. For example, you might designate roles such as owner and member. However, you can also refine your categorization using terms that directly correspond to your business context, like manager, chef, driver, marketing, or customer.

Creating A Role

To create a new user role, click the + Create A Role button. Suppose you aim to establish a Marketing role, you'll need to fill in the required fields: Name and Key. By default, this new role will lack any platform permissions. Consequently, it's essential to allocate the necessary platform permissions to make the new role functional.

Create Role

Editing A Role

To modify a role, click the Edit Role button (depicted by a keylock icon) located in the Controls section.

Assigning or Unassigning a Role

Roles can only be assigned or unassigned within the Users console.To assign a role to a user, go to Users & AccessUsers and then click the Edit User button (represented by a pen icon) in the Controls section.

User list

To illustrate, if you wish to assign the Marketing role, choose this role from the Assign a new role drop-down menu.

assign a role

Conversely, to unassign a role from a user, hover over the existing role and click the cross mark appearing next to the role.

Defining Invited Roles

A role can invite another user associated with different roles. To specify which roles can be invited, navigate to Users & AccessRoles. Select a role, then click on Edit Role (represented by the keylock icon) → Invite Roles. From here, you can choose any other roles that can be invited.

define invited roles

A role can always invite another user with the same role.